URL Encoder & Decoder
Simply enter your string into the box below to encode or decode a URL.
What is This Tool?
It is a simple free tool that allows you to convert an encoded string from jibberish to reveal its underlying function, or to convert a string with illegal universal resource locator characters to one which is a valid URL. This is especially useful for Javascript encoded URL's.
What Does URL Mean?
It is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is an address that browsers probe in order to connect to a web server.
Two example URL's could be:
- https://www.google.co.uk/
- https://docur.co/documentary/the-internet-archive
URL's strictly use the ASCII character-set to send data across the internet. They, therefore, must be encoded before being sent. Encoding replaces unsafe ASCII characters with a "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits. Additionally, URL's cannot contain spaces and are usually converted into either a "+" or a %20. The browser will encode according to the character set in the document which is usually UTF-8.
Some programming languages make use of illegal ASCII characters in order to pass information such as:
This would need to be converted to this in order to be sent across the internet: